2023 Issue 2
This Bright Tomorrows (BT) newsletter is our second newsletter of 2023. You will discover embedded links throughout this publication that will connect you to articles and videos that we trust you will find inspiring and informative.
2023 Issue 1
This Bright Tomorrows (BT) newsletter is our first newsletter of 2023. You will discover embedded links throughout this publication that will connect you to articles and videos that we trust you will find inspiring and informative.
2022 Issue 1
This Bright Tomorrows (BT) newsletter is our first since 2019 and the impact of COVID. You will discover embedded links throughout this publication that will connect you to articles and videos that we trust you will find inspiring and informative.
2019 Issue 1
Growing up with a parent experiencing bipolar disorder. There is more than one way to suffer.
2018 Issue 2
From boulders to knapsacks. Helping people turn their boulders into knapsacks.
2018 Issue 1
Healing tears. Not getting what we deserve.
2017 Issue 2
A broken but cherished ornament. Houston, we have a problem.
2017 Issue 1
I am enough. I have struggled for years with feelings of failure.
2016 Issue 2
Grace and truth for the afflicted. Words matter.
2016 Spring/Summer
Waiting for the prodigal to return. At times mercy is called for, at other times, rescuing only hinders the process.
2015-2016 Fall/Winter
New beginnings. New Year reminds me that the way of “new beginnings” is meant to define the way I live my life daily.
2015 Spring/Summer
Support, encourage and educate. Probably the biggest advantage of peer support is helping a person realize that they are not alone – that there are other people who have the same problems
2014-2015 Fall/Winter
Am I my brother’s keeper?
Dr. David Satcher, former Surgeon General of the United States, says that “suicide is our most preventable form of death
2013 Issue 2
I’m owning my story… With Bipolar, no one can see the illness – the broken brain.
2013 Issue 1
Ginger’s body betrayed her! Soul pain and suicide.
2012 Issue 2
Shake it into the fire. Who sinned?
2012 Issue 1
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: a screenplay. There are many disorders that have been mistakenly labeled as OCD.
2011 Issue 3
Are there invisible people in your church? Speaking of recovery…
2011 Issue 2
Thanks for the memories! Tim and Nancy shared that they are writing their first book together entitled, From Insanity to Serenity.
2011 Issue 1
A Bright Tomorrows celebration event. Meet the Bright Tomorrows vice-president and trustees.
2010 Issue 3
“When someone at ‘BTSG’ said that I was a blessing; God’s love revealed my value. God’s love revealed my value!
2010 Issue 2
Let freedom ring. Either/or vs. both/and.
2010 Spring
People have said thank you for nine years! Bright Tomorrows welcomes Harry “Jay” Hoffman.
2009-2010 Fall/Winter
Give thanks for pain and suffering – seriously? Broken mosaics and healing wholeness.
2009 Spring
A “ministry between miracles” is an eight-year journey. I am daily learning that it is helpful to distinguish between the affliction of challenge that needs to be understood and managed and the experience of suffering itself
2008-2009 Fall/Winter
Ten tips for being a healthy caregiver. Helping someone with a mood disorder.
2008 Spring
“An assignment of suffering” 7th annual caring for your congregation’s mental health seminar: A report