Everyone will experience trauma at some point in their life. Some people will bounce back from it, stronger than ever; others will struggle to move forward, seemingly stuck in the past. On October 27th, 2022, Andrew Duffy, LCSW, discussed this subject with ministry leaders, church staff members, chaplains, lay ministry leaders, and parachurch ministry leaders at a Bright Tomorrows Breakfast Seminar in the Laureate Conference Room. During his excellent presentation, Andrew gave an overview of what trauma is, typical responses to trauma, and the process of healing from it. In the end, special attention was given to how pastors and lay people can support others in their recovery. As you view this video, you will learn to: (1) define trauma and identify common reactions to it; (2) how professional counseling can help people who have suffered trauma; and how the Gospel offers hope and identity for those recovering from trauma.
ANDREW DUFFY is a licensed clinical social worker from Tulsa, Oklahoma. For the past 6 years, he has worked with adults and adolescents with various mental health diagnoses. He is currently employed with Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital. Besides his paid work, Andrew has created a curriculum for Mental Health Classes, which he facilitates in the central library and local churches.
If you would like a copy of Andrew’s PowerPoint outline, please contact Tim Reside by way of this website’s Contact Us page.