Moral Injury (soul/spirit injury) has likely been with humankind since the beginning of time. Moral Injury (MI) is a relatively new term used in the mental health community to describe the psychological damage people may face when they act in ways that contradict their moral beliefs. MI is a significant cause for felt shame, self-handicapping anger, and demoralization. It has been seen as a factor in veteran suicide, and today as a contributing cause of burnout in numerous professions including among pastors, first responders, counselors, social workers, physicians, etc. MI is present within our community at large but also specifically within our church congregations as well.
On June 24, 2021, Dr. Lanny Endicott discussed this subject with ministry leaders, church staff, chaplains, lay ministry leaders, and parachurch ministry leaders at a Bright Tomorrows Breakfast Seminar. Dr. Endicott taught social work for 44 years at Oral Roberts University and directed the program for most of that time and is currently Professor Emeritus. He is a qualified expert in the field of Moral Injury. Additionally, Dr. Endicott is active in the Tulsa community working with his church (Southern Hills Baptist), veterans, neighborhoods (61st & Peoria in South Tulsa), mental health, and other community opportunities. NOTE: If you are interested in having a copy of the PowerPoint slides that Dr. Endicott used in his presentation, email Tim Reside at and ask for “link to Moral Injury PPT slides.”